1. Captive 03

    Datte: 15/07/2024, Catégories: Non Consentement / À contre-cœur Auteur: byamdsoo, Source: Literotica

    ... étaient introuvables et Hannah ne prit pas la peine de les demander. Elle attrapa rapidement les vêtements et les enfila, et se sentit extrêmement soulagée d'être couverte pour la première fois depuis une éternité. Peu importe que ses tétons sombres soient visibles sous le tissu fin, ou qu'elle soit probablement de nouveau nue dans quelques heures.
    "Allons-y salope, c'est l'heure d'une petite sortie", a déclaré Tank.
    Hannah shuffled forward as two bikers grabbed her and dragged her out of the spacious room. She was taken back out into the main bar and lounge of the tavern. There were only a few men sitting in the area at this time, but they all glanced over at her with interest. Before long, she was back outside in the parking lot and forced to sit down in front of Tank on his Harley. When she was secured, the large pack of Outlaws pulled out onto the road.
    Hannah felt the tears running down her face as she sat before the large biker and reflected on her outlandish nightmare. She still could not fathom that this was happening, but as she heard the angry roar of the motorcycle and looked at the sea of bikers surrounding her, the grim reality of her situation began sinking in more and more. She thought for a second about her immediate and long term future and began crying harder. After about twenty minutes of driving, the gang of Outlaws pulled off the road and made a few more turns before settling into the parking lot of a large, dilapidated building. The place ...
    ... seemed to be an auto-repair shop as well as a junkyard. Tank dismounted his chopper and grabbed Hannah by her hair and forced her to walk with him to the main entrance of the shop.
    "Mel! It's Tank! Open up!" The huge biker shouted, knocking hard on the metal door.
    "Hello boys, how ya'll doin?" Mel greeted, holding the door gate open to allow the Outlaws in. "This is her huh?"
    "Yes it is," Tank replied, jerking Hannah forward so she was facing the old, repugnantly fat man. "Say hello to Mel bitch. Mel, this is...shit I don't even know this stupid bitch's name."
    "It's Hannah," Mel notified the biker. "I saw her license."
    "Hannah huh?" Tank chuckled. "That's cute. You finished with her shit?"
    "Yup just about," the obese pig answered. "Been working on it since last night, I hardly slept man. But it's done. Everything's out and I already got a guy who's picking up the parts later. Haven't crushed the frame yet because I thought you boys would want her to watch."
    Hannah s'avança d'un pas traînant tandis que deux motards l'attrapaient et la traînaient hors de la pièce de torture. Elle fut ramenée dans le bar principal et le salon. Il n'y avait que quelques hommes assis dans la zone à ce moment-là, mais ils la regardaient tous avec intérêt. Peu de temps après, elle était dehors sur le parking et fut obligée de s'asseoir devant Tank sur sa Harley.
    La grande meute de voyous prit la route. Hannah sentait les larmes couler sur son visage alors qu'elle s'asseyait devant ...